First post, please be gentle. I replaced the 12v battery this morning with an Optima, as some here suggest. No problem, but the strap on the Optima is touching the negative connector wire. I tried squishing the battery strap under the metal hold-down bar but that doesn't work. Is it okay if the negative connector wire touches the strap? I can't figure out any way to get it to work unless I cut the strap off. Thanks in advance.
The strap should not be squished down at the battery hold down clamp. It is OK if the plastic Optima strap is in contact with the negative connector wire. I suggest you ensure that the wire terminals are tight at the battery end as well as at the end where it bolts to the sheet metal body panel.
Nylon strap, no problem, seems to me mine was able to be tucked tightly against the battery and it was then out of the way, but cut it if it pushes against anything expensive I'd trickle charge that new battery to 100%
I just replaced mine on Saturday. The instructions that came with it suggested removing the strap and explained how to do it -- but my new battery didn't have a strap, so I guess the vendor had already taken it off. Andy
The strap is just there to help you carry the battery home from the store. Job done, now remove the strap. Problem solved. Don't worry so much!
Maestro8, if you have any idea how to stop worrying so much, I welcome it. Yes, shortly after posting the question I saw another thread which seemed to suggest removing the strap, which I did. Now, Ursle, I apparently should look up how to "trickle charge" the battery - something new to worry about. Thanks everybody, Jeremy
1) Buy a charger 2) Clamp the charger onto the battery 3) Plug the charger into a power outlet 4) Kick yourself for thinking it was so hard
Wow......Learn something new but too late. I had to replace my 12V battery and the dealer told me it can only be done at the dealers and only with a genuine Prius battery...the total cost was $406. Unbelievable They also told me the main battery runs $4000 installed..... Personally that was enough to make me want to sell the Prius and just use the Avalon. It is a 2001 and is loaded and has 58,000 miles on it. SO should last a LOOOOOONG time.
I bought a BatteryMinder (<$50) and have the pigtail cable "permanently" attached to the battery. This cable plugs into the cable that runs from the unit. That connection is easily accessible on my deck & it is connected only when in use. I ran the unit's cable the length of the car along the side so the wall wart stays on the front passenger floor. I crack that window open to run the extension cord from the garage. I'm getting into the habit of plugging in overnight as long as the weather is good. The BatteryMinder will charge up & desulphate the battery as needed.
I tied my 2 amp maintainer into the jumper points. Works like a charm! No need to run wires all over the car. H
I had the same issue and just cut the strap and tucked it behind the battery. Later I realized that the strap came off - it was a bit of a duh moment for me, but I made myself feel a bit better by realizing that it was not terribly obvious when the battery was installed and you could not see the sides.