I slowed my roll on using the word 'never' after 2024. We have a TV in all of our BRs but we're also adults - and bedrooms don't HAVE to always BE bedrooms. OUR two SBRs serve more than one purpose. I reload in one of them and have some radios and 'puters. You may 'safely' presume that there are weapons in more than one of these rooms, if not all of them and dogs are allowed in NONE of them. I understand that many people like to sleep with pooches, but I prefer human bedmates. Not judging. I'm still in my working years. I do not do anything particularly important - I just fix phones for a living. This means that UNlike ATC employees, commercial pilots, LEOs, FBI agents, most firefighters, most military service members, and many judges, I can work safely beyond 65 years of age. Generally speaking, the REALLY important jobs should not be done by people my age or older. 7 Jobs That Make You Retire at a Certain Age (Most Before 60) | FinanceBuzz Bedrooms: According to 'fake intelligence:' In the 1960s, the average newly built home was around 1,200 square feet, housing about 3.33 people, and had 2.5 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms, often featuring turquoise and coppertone appliance colors. Like 'fake news' fake intel doesn't always get everything right. They failed to mention avocado green appliances. Think about that. "Back in the day" most homes were much smaller, had fewer bedrooms, and more people living in them - at least here in the 'land of the free.' Now houses are twice as large and families are half the size. Personally? I do not think that firearms, cell phones, and TVs in 'bedrooms' are much of a factor in our current problems. MY mileage. YOURS might vary.
I remember avocado appliances, and also harvest gold. But I associate those with the 70s, not 60s. I still have a Kenmore avocado vacuum cleaner.
Because all the small smart people with gun collections always leave loaded guns laying on the floor with the safety off. I mean what could go wrong? I bet his dog doing it was just an excuse and something else entirely different happened.
You are guilty of a felony! However (comma!!!!) Slap your domestic partner around - and nobody cares unless you're in politics.....