I'm having a problem with my Toyota dealer. Despite my civilized and professional demeanor they have completely ignored me despite multiple correspondence. The issue is related to swirl marks and halos being present on my blue ribbon metallic vehicle prior to delivery three weeks ago. They told me "don't worry, our detailing department will fix it before you leave." Sure enough, after a wash or two, the swirl marks have reappeared. I've heard that a fresh wax can mask them temporarily and taking delivery at sunset doesn't help to see them either. It's so upsetting to have a new car with swirl marks. I called the dealer and explained that I wanted the swirl marks corrected but they have flat out ignored me. I told them that "it's not unreasonable to expect that a new car... look new". I've had at least 20 cars in my life and I've never had a car with swirl marks, and that includes black cars too. Typical dealer , they promise professional service and a desire to please, and then after you take delivery and come back -- they act like they've never seen you before. They simply don't care. I though Toyota dealers would be more caring after their recent screw-ups. I still love the car but I also want my car to look new after three weeks. Has anyone had a similar Toyota dealer problem? What would you do? Thank you so much, and I appreciate your advice in advance.
sorry, that is disappointing and you're right, typical of a dealer. wish i had some advice for you, i hope someone can help. good luck!
Contact Toyota USA. They may be able to help. Next time refuse delivery of a new car with swirl marks.
Write a letter to the General Manager of the dealership demanding the problem to be corrected to your satisfaction with a deadline to reply. Send the letter by registered mail or by courier service with a signature for delivery. C.C. copy your letter to Toyota USA Customer Service (or their Regional Office). It is important to state a deadline for them to reply. Usually, Toyota headoffice will get involve. If not, you may have to find someone else to fix it and collect the expense through a lawyer or small claim court. If you file a claim, you may also have to name Toyota USA for not taking action too. I'm no lawyer so please seek for professional advice. Good luck.
Tell them that you want the car polished, not simply waxed or glazed which is probably what they are doing. Then after it is polished, you want it waxed or preferably sealed. And tell them you want to be present and see what they are using. A polish properly applied will eliminate most swirl marks as long as they are of course not severe and than a coat of wax/sealant will act as protection. After that, avoid getting swirl marks by properly and carefully maintaining the cars finish.
One more tip: Avoid "Touch Car Wash". Some dealers may still have the old car wash machine. I usually wash it by hand and in winter months, I go to "Touchess Car Wash" facility only. Find out what type of car wash machine do they have. If they have the touch type, make a request for not washing it there.