Does anybody know how to install a auto dim homelink mirror in a 08 Prius. If so, your help would be greatly appreciated.
man. this is major work. perhaps you should go to a stereo installer, like i read in another thread ElectroChromic Mirror (ECM) Installation
You might want to ready up on this thread too...
I scanned thru the procedures and I was shocked. I installed Homelink + Autodimming mirror myself on my CX-9. It took me only 30 minutes. The hardest part was to remove the old mirror, not the wiring. The wiring, after all, is just to find the - constant 12V (for Homelink) - switched 12V (for auto-dimming) - ground (body frame) On Mazda CX9, all I did was removing the A-pillar internal trim and kick panel near the left foot well. I don't know about the exact process on Prius, but I would suggest you to find a model-specific instructions from Toyota on Prius. The linked procedures might not be optimal (no offense intended).