Ok so im looking at buying a Prius. I was interested in the Prius C but my friend works at a dealership and they just got a 2008 Toyota Prius in with 47,000 miles for $16,000. He said that it has the smart key, upgraded audio and backup camera as well. Would you wait for the Prius C to come out or do you think that is a good deal on the 2008 Prius. Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
2008 is a really good year. Almost all bugs were worked out, the fifth year of a six year production run. Prius c is a brand new vehicle. No manufacturer is immune to having problems in the first 1-2 years of production. Availability is still months away, March? On the plus, the c has better MPG. If you take the 2008, make sure it has two, preferably three, smart keys. Even with your friend's discount, you are still looking at $200 per key.
Sounds like a low mileage and well equipped plus reasonable dollar, I would go for the G2 2008 model. First year model would make me uneasy as well. Hal