Hi there, everyone. I am currently the owner of a 1996 Jeep Cherokee that only gets about 16 miles per gallon. I'm looking to get a Prius because of the benefits to the environment as well as the fuel efficiency. I don't have enough money to buy anything without the aid of an auto loan, so if I buy a Prius, it can't be more than five years old (so if I wait until after the new year, I can only buy a 2007 model or later). I want to know if anyone experienced with the Prius family can offer some suggestions as to which model would give me the most bang for my buck. Any help that can be offered will be sincerely appreciated.
Hello and welcome I went through some similar research/investigating earlier this year and ended up going with a '05 (GenII). For what I was looking for, it was a perfect fit. I came from a Mazda 6, which I was averaging just under 32mpgs, but have been more than happy with my almost 55mpgs in the Prius--I've had it since April. It's been a great car and I've enjoyed learning so much about it, as well as fine tuning my driving habits, etc. in order to get as much mpgs as possible. With my last tank, I got my best fill-up--60.7 mpgs--I was soooooo happy to break the 60mpgs barrier. Most of my 100 mile daily round trip commute is highway, so getting 60 mpgs is tough for me. Good luck in your search and if you have specific questions, just let me--or anyone else know.