Less interesting than feminine footwear here. Yet University of Maryland Baltimore County defeated Virginia. Classic 16-seed goes all Cinderella on a 1-seed. They must be goin' nuts. Kansas State, opponent 2 days hence will be binge watching that game to find a way to get Cinderella to lose a shoe. Otherwise it just might turn out to be the Year of the Dog
A different mini-upset deserves mention. Loyola-Chicago (11) over Miami (6). That game started shortly after a serious pedestrian bridge collapse in Miami. Things like that can mess up one's game. But this tournament has no room for rescheduling. Their next opponent will be shown bridge-squish videos; my guess. Tennessee squishes Loyola-Chicago, powered by indignation.
I was wrong about Tennessee. There are cephalopods with make better sports predictions than I. But UMBC players are lacing up now to try and find a way past Kansas State. It may be helpful that KSU best player D. Wade has a stress fracture and iffy for the game. One would not wish to win aided by other team's misfortune. No, wait what am I saying? They want it however they can get it! Just in case Cinderella stays standing just a bit longer, see True Grit the Dog embiggened
A team of personal interest (Syracuse) has perhaps a chance against Fearsome Duke. They are now in halftime and watching payday-loan and car commercials I guess. C'mon Orangemen! Pull down their shorts. Laugh when they are dribbling. Be surprising.
Glad somebody replied If coach Boeheim did something peculiar at the game I did not see it. He is somewhat flambouyant. This year's team had to 'play in' to the tournament and won until they hit a 2 seed. Certainly no shame for them. Posting final predictions at this late date is poor form. As such, I expect Villanova to beat Michigan. If I am wrong sue bisco. I would not have spoken without his reply.
i hate to see you talking to yourself, it's not good form. but i had nothing to say until now. my concerns about the coach are in regard to the sexual abuse his former assistant was accused of, and his coverup. but back then, no one cared much.
I often tell myself it's not good form... The mentioned incident seems other than this: Syracuse University athletics scandal - Wikipedia
Sigh...if I must... Big mistake mentioning Michigan. Now Florida State is outplaying them. Any team that whumps Gonzaga in tournament can whump anybody I guess. Almost...
FSU over the top? Maybe just part of the college experience at schools that do sports thus. FSU may have invented streaking. KennyGS, welcome to this lonely thread. I set precedent for megalogo, so fair enough. Much high-level science is done at Villanova. At FSU as well. Chinese students seem all to dream of Harvard but I push back with a long list of alternatives. I prefer college sports to pro because these kids are having experiences of a lifetime. Most then go on to lead 'real lives' as opposed to pro sports. What a thing for them. What thing to watch. Won't say who's ahead at the half. Enough voodoo from me...
mass med school researcher leads international team to find als gene. doubt their much in hoops though.
The potential of college experience is beyond brief description, and quite beyond my long description. Often includes sports. A school is chosen and then student ought to do more than manage coursework. This is my opinion. Something in some class will 'resonate' more than other things. Talk with that prof individually and say you want more. Whatever that topic might be does not matter. The resonating matters. Whether it is science or literature or whatever; pursue it. You will enter at the bottom rung (washing labware or whatever) but you will meet those people actually doing things levels above what is discussed in 'intro' courses. If the resonating persists, follow it. At the same time, make sure to make enough effort in other courses to not score poorly. Your chosen guru may not attend to that at all. Managed well, it will far exceed intellectual growth from ages 2 to 6 (which was amazing even if you don't now it). This is what college is supposed to do (I say). It can and does happen at hundreds (if not thousands) of colleges. It happens particularly for those students who are aware and aggressive. Whether at Harvard or Yale or Whatever U. Many (many!) PriusChat readers have stories about how they got 'into' what made their lives meaningful. And would not open an NCAA sports discussion. Perhaps bisco or I will fish for them elsewhere. == College sport is a different thing. Players are often channeled in and might not easily detect other resonances. Fans are having great fun that does not (one hopes) detract from their resonance-seeking. It should be an addition not a subtraction. == USA, somehow, has developed world's best college system because it allows motivated students to exceed any reasonable expectations, at more campuses than I could count. Euro ain't bad. China ain't good. All others seem too poorly funded. == What is college for? A discussion not for here.
Back to the matter at hand. Michigan managed and will next meet Loyola-Chicago who have already over performed. On other side of bracket, two games will be played tomorrow. Kansas vs. Duke is harder to predict. Your guesses are better than mine
I'm amazed Loyola has made it this far.I hope they don't choke like DePaul did! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.