Will the sun shades in the PC Chat Market work with the 7" PiP. The glare on the screen can be terrible and make it very difficult to read.
View attachment 39941 View attachment 39942 First, I don't know the answer to your question. At one point Danny offered to send me one as a trial but it never happened. He may have learned that it does not fit. So, I made my own (pictures above). I opened the screen as if to insert a DVD and measured the opening. I then cut a piece of 2x4 just the length of the opening. Around this I bent a piece of aluminum sheet and got just the right dimensions. The first time I used a piece which was thin enough to be floppy. It fit too loosely in the crack. Then I used a piece of sheet which was thicker and it was too tight, so I filed it to make it thinner to just fit in the crack. That way it fits snug and it does not need to obstruct the movement of the switches which are just below where it fits into the crack. Of course, this makes it harder to load a DVD which I don't do anyway. Then I covered the bottom with black tape and the top with some fabric I had. It works great!