I just bought the 2010 Prius V with GPS last week. The map version came with is 9.1. Is this the correct version or should it be the newer 10.1? Thanks.
My car, same as yours, came with version 8.1. I understand there isn't much differences and the maps still have most of the same errors anyway. Build date on my car is 7/09, I think version 9.01 was out by then but you get what you get.
My Prius V was shipped from Japan and I took delivery on April 9, 2012. The GPS maps do not have several streets in my home town that have existed for over 10 years. My friend bought a 2012 Camry and it has those streets. What gives?
Toyota updates the pre-Entune Nav maps around October every year. The rev number is the year, 9.1 is 2009. The Nav version that you get in your car depends on when the car was built in Japan, not when you pick it up from the dealer. Look in side the driver door frame to find the build date. Even the latest rev update map is going to be 2-3 years behind the most current maps. My car was like Tumbleweed with a 7/09 build date with a 8.1 Nav disk and I picked the car up in August 2009. The next update 9.1 did not come out until October 2009. I asked the dealer if I would be getting the 9.1 when it came out and he said no unless I wanted to pay for the upgrade. So, again, you get what you get. I waited until the 11.1 update came out last October to upgrade. Toyota puts out a detailed listing of what changes are made from state to state each year. You can get this file from your dealer by simply asking each year. This will help you decide when you want to spend $160 to upgrade.
Just so you know, you have a Prius v (lower case, the Prius v "wagon"), the OP of this thread has a 2010 prius V (uppercase) now the Prius 5 (only 2010 used the roman numeral designation for package.)