NAV Display - Night Mode

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by mss, Jan 8, 2005.

  1. mss

    mss New Member

    Nov 18, 2004
    I made a discovery last night for an issue that was bugging me.

    The NAV display at night had an almost black background. Changing the background color in the NAV preferences screen made no difference. I had adjusted my brightness and contrast before, just not while in "Night Mode"

    What I didn't realize is that the brightness and contrast settings for the MFD work independently in both day and night modes.

    To Fix I did the following:

    1) Switch to Night Mode
    - Turn on headlights, and make sure the dimmer is in a middle position.

    2) View the NAV Map screen.

    3) Press the Display Button on the left side of the MFD.

    4) Reduce the contrast until you see both color and pattern to the background of the map - similar to the day mode.
    - I found on my display that the default middle setting for contrast gave me a black background.

    5) Now when you set the background color from the NAV setup screen (Page 4/4), it will change from Blue (Default) to Green, etc.

    Has anyone else had this problem or was it unique to my display?
  2. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Also make sure you are not in forced day mode. That is, while the car is in night mode (headlights on, dash light not in full bright detent), you don't have the Day Mode button on the MFD set (enabled). Putting the MFD in day mode is in addition to the dash setting. The button is not visible while the dash is in day mode, just as the contrast/brightness/color settings are different.