Two things I am learning thus far: -My long drives to work on the week days are producing great results...only to be killed by short weekend trips -MPG percentage error between computer and calculated goes down as my average speed goes up (excluding one tank) I am currently changing one driving technique as well as changing fuel suppliers to see if it has any impact.
Hey nine, how u been buddy! I did not know about the 2nd part. I guess its time for me to get my avg. speed up. What technique are u planning on changing? Do tell your secret.
hey man! Well, they may not be related. At this just seems that way. I changed from Shell to Exxon. Right now my results suck. Also, about a tank ago I became more aggessive in acceleration. I have no secrets...all of you guys get better mileage than me!
Yeah, I changed back over to my 17's recently & must say it looks & feels (at least the cornering) so much better. As for the mpg results, mine might be going down drastically too between the bigger wheels & just wanting to go fast(er).
I'm going to swap wheels with The Critic again so I'll be right there with you. Going from these amazing 15" Energy Savers to my 17s is gonna hurt. lol
I'm going to miss my mpg as I'm already feeling the effects of it now. I'm currently at about 53 mpg indicated which isn't bad but on my 15's I was getting at least 58-59 indicated on the route that I'm taking. Haha, at least we'll both be looking good rolling in our 17's.
Here it is updated with tire pressures and tank miles. I do not run the tank out normally. I had a fun weekend at Corpus...but ouch. Used Exxon and Valero gas...but I think the larger issue is that I am being more aggressive. MPG dropped a lot with another increase in average speed.