So here I was patiently (ok, maybe not) waiting for my Millenium Silver (not my first choice color...actually last) to arrive. In the meantime, I decided to check out other area dealers to see what they might happen to have around. Stephens Toyota of Bristol, CT had a Black (STELTH vanity plate, here I come!) just sitting there. Drove up there today, and what a great experience! Sticker price, no haggling. Only extras are floor mats and cargo mat (which I wanted anyway). Right off the bat, without any discussion, they offered me the Kelley trade-in value for my Honda Pilot. Due to my own scheduling, I can't get the car til Wednesday, and boy is it going to be a long three-day wait! A funny thing that did happen was that every time the salesman tried to tell me some cool thing about the car, I knew it already (thanks to you all, of course!). So when he handed me over to the business manager to close the deal, he told him, "Be careful with this one...she knows more about this car than I do!" Think I can read the entire manual (thanks again, Dan!) in three days? I bet I can! Lisa
Yes, he did. When I told him that I had another source for it, he asked me the price. I told him that I wasn't sure of the exact number, but that for the 7 yr/100K it was under $1000 and for the 6 yr/100K under $900. I really didn't expect him to match this, and I had every intention of buying it from Troy. But when he offered me the 6/100 for $820, I really didn't feel I should pass it up. I feel bad , but I really had to do what made financial sense.
Congrats, Lisa. Good luck sleeping for the next three nights. I was told when my car hit port and couldn't sleep for the week it took to get it to Chicagoland.