Most of them covered my impression of 06 as well. I test drove 04 and 05 but when tax credit of $3,150 and HOV access open up, I went in for 06. The interior quality change really pushed me over the edge to get it. What I did not pick up from the test drive was the power response and control at low speed. During traffic jams, you can really control the speed very well. Dennis
nice write up! Might I suggest a few things a) definitely get a windshield sunshade. A black dashboard is, well, not good. Also, I'm worried about overheating the screen. But that's just me. B) No mute for the sound system but pressing and holding MODE on the steering wheel turns it off.
Jack, it was great to read your post. I live in the northern part of AZ. and have driven the route you took many times so your report was much appreciated as I to am concicering a new Prius. Could you post your experiences with your Phoenix dealer after you make your puchase, I will gladly drive a couple hundred miles to buy from a no BS dealer....
Good post Jack, very objective. The Prius has some quirks that bug me, but then I realize what an incredible engineering feat this car is. The fact that it manages so many systems so well is truly phenomenal.
Congratulations! I love to hear of new Prius owners ( or owners to be ) in the valley. I got mine from Avondale Toyota and was pleased with the experiance. That's a whopper of a dive from Chandler, though. But, I guess if you'll take the round-about to Flagstaff for a test drive, Avondale is no big deal. Wasn't it great to see all the green battery bars pile up on the way down the hill into Verde Valley? My biggest sugestions are tint, a windshield sunscreen, and a nose deflector/bra. Arizona allows 35% on the fronts and whatever you want on the rest. I used 5% on all the rear windows and am very happy with it. Also, try for a model with side airbags. They bump the car up from acceptible to good in side impacts. Otherwise, the nav system is very good around the valley, so if your willing to pay the price for it, I definetly recomend it. P.S. I think the most commonly used plural for Prius is Prii (pronounced PrEE-i), as fits for a Latin word with such an ending.
So what package did you ask for? If you didn't ask for a package with side airbags, go to the IIHS site (search) and look at the video. You want side airbags!