Well, at least the horn does! I hated the weak stock horn, so I took the horn off of my 66 GMC Suburban that I am selling. It is as direct fit as could be and required NO modification to the car. It bolted into the same hole using the same bolt as the stock horn, and the stock connector plugged into it. Now I have a REAL horn!! Pics and a Vid: Click here to hear it: [ame="http://s268.photobucket.com/albums/jj26/thebattens/Prius/?action=view¤t=video-2011-06-07-17-36-27.mp4"]Prius :: video-2011-06-07-17-36-27.mp4 video by thebattens - Photobucket[/ame]
Wow! Surprised it and the connector fit! I remember reading about people retrofitting their Priuses w/Camry horns before but never from 60s era GM vehicle.
One can see some crazy horns in action when searching for hornblaster on Youtube. There is a test video at http://www.hornblasters.com/video.php?video=47.