I posted a message about a happy ending of my cabin filter question. (I went in for the 15,000 miles oil change and the dealer checked my filters for free and told me that they are fine.) Maybe I shouldn't be so happy. After this visit, I discovered a noise. It is kind of a squeaky noise when I turn on the AC and when I turn off the AC. (The noise is like what an old fan will make when it turns.) But it doesn't do it all the time. After the AC run for a minute, then no noise if I turn it on or off again. Also, it only does it if it sits outside for a few hours. I brought my car to the dealer this morning and they say they will see whether they can hear the noise. I fully expect them not to hear anything and/or find nothing wrong. (I know I am whining and it is difficult to locate the source of such a problem.) I don't believe this is a major problem. It is just my Prius is no longer prefect. Thanks for listening.
maybe the mice are hungry and want food maybe the hamster wheel needs periodic maintenance Hamster Synergy Drive!!
ive posted about this before, and it is possible to drop small items in the air vents... i dropped some aspirins in it once and i had to pull off the air vent and then shake them out, good as new check that
Thanks for the support. As expected, they said they did not find anything and heard nothing. When I went to pick up the car, I heard this noise (not loud at the time). I asked him to listen and he said that was just the directional door (the air vent system) moving. I don't believe him as I have never heard it before. In any case, I guess I will just live with it. Maybe I am just anal but my car was perfect.
Well, if you want to test for the sound of the various doors, press the button to recirculate air vs. fresh air. Also press the buttons to route air to the various outlets, and see if you hear the sound that you are concerned about.
I had kind of a low frequency rattle just beyond the left air vent on top of the dash, so I stuck one of those plastic key ring bookstore membership cards between the dash & left roof post - adds a bit of character (much nicer than the Food Lion card). Doesn't rattle any more
i hear the noise too, its the flapper thing located under the filter that controls whether air comes from outside or inside air is routed.
statultra: Thanks for the info. I guess that coincides with what the dealer said. I have never heard this noise before. Given that you said it is under the filter, I wonder whether it has anything to do with the inspection that they did on the filter. Thanks again. Ed.