My POSITIVE experience with Gen 4 Navigation

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Wolfie52, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. Wolfie52

    Wolfie52 Senior "Jr" Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    No. Carolina
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    I have read many a post here denigrating the OEM Toyota Navigation system. I have to add my experience about this. I have a Generation 4 system with the latest (v9) DVD installed. Let me also state as an older driver I am very comfortable with planning my own trips and using (old fashion paper) maps.

    I recently took a long road trip up the east coast. This was my first time driving to most of the places I went. I was able to program my Navigation unit easily. I could easily navigate to the main cities with just a (paper) map. However, it was INVALUABLE in locating a few places--for example in locating my sister in law's house in NYC-- I do not think I would have been able to drive right to it without my Navigation!

    First, in navigating the crowded highways around the big cities, the navigation system was extremely helpful in staying in the correct lane, and getting off at the correct exits. I would have made at least a few wrong turns had I been self-navigating.

    Second, The turn by turn directions when I wanted a house, hotel or attraction was always right-on. Again, saving me frustration and time. Also the auto correcting feature, when I made a deviation, always put me back on the correct road in a hurry.

    Third, when I needed gas or food, the on screen icons were a huge help. When the gas started getting low, I just asked for gas stations and didn't have to worry about driving around to find one. Same for food. This feature worked flawlessly.

    Forth, knowing the miles and approximate time to the destination kept the kids in the know, without me having to always tell them. Also the wrong responses to my voice commands, gave the kids many a laugh!

    I realize that probably any GPS system would probably offer pretty much the same results, but since the Navigation system is built-in, it does not subject my car to the break in worries that an after-market unit might. (Thieves just love them according to my daughter the cop).

    Although I rarely need the navigation around town, it was A HUGE HELP on this road trip, where I was in "unknown territory". So I give my GEN 4 NAVIGATION SYSTEM A BIG THUMBS UP.
    3 people like this.
  2. sktn77a

    sktn77a Member

    Apr 28, 2007
    2005 Prius
    Where did you get the Gen 4, v9 DVD from and how much was it?
  3. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    Glad you had a good experience with it, and it is better than no GPS. But to me it is sort of like watching tv with rabbit ears or a VHS versus a 720p signal through satellite or 1080p through bluray. Yeah they both give you the same thing, but one is obviously much better and doesnt require constant rewrapping of tinfoil to get the signal through.

    If you have never really used or needed GPS, then Toyota nav is ok. But having used many GPS units I can say Toyota's OEM is severely lacking. This includes OEM such as Honda/Acura, BMW, and Toyota/Lexus along with PNDs (personal navigation devices) like a TomTom, Garmin Nuvi's, Magellen's and some no-name chinese brand (that was surprisingly good), AND PC based solutions like Microsoft Streets & Trips, iGuidance 3 and 4, GarminPC, and Destinator, and then mobile versions like Google Maps/Earth on my Windows Mobile Phone with built in GPS as well as iGuidance mobile.

    The "polish" is what I find lacking the most. I would prefer to have a solid "home" button like on many systems. I know you can program 1/2/3/etc hotkeys, but a #1 or a picture of a bell doesnt really say home like a big 'ol button. Also in the Toyota/Lexus nav I have used, 2008 being the most recent, the GPS announced turn direction and distance ahead but not street names. Believe me it is really nice to hear "in 123 feet turn left onto XYZ street". You dont really think it is a big thing, but when navigating a busy foreign city it is an asset. There could be 4 streets between the warning and the turn and you are constantly checking distnace versus the map to guess which street it is since you cant really read the screen in rush hour traffic. TTS (Text to Speech) is very important. Some other not-so important but cool things I miss would be the 3D view offered by iGuidance which lets you choose 2D top down, or 3 different 3D views to give you more of the view you would get if you were in the 3rd person camera in a racing game. Following from behind you looking forwards and slightly above. Other things that were really nice in some of the microsoft offerings and of course in Google's would be satellite images streamed live via the internet. My Civic has this and it is awesome when you pull up to a plaza and you can see the satellite image of the plaza and exactly where the store is in the complex instead of driving around with a generic dot on the road.

    There are lots more, but I wont bore you too much. :) Glad you are happy, but there are much better options out there if you ever want to venture out.
  4. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yeah the Gen 6 nav system has TTS.

    The thing I miss the most is 3D Bird's Eye View mapping (still, Nissan is the only one.. amazing)
  5. cnschult

    cnschult Active Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    2005 Prius
    can someone post the part numbers for a version 9.1 disc for gen 4 nav??
    please post both lines of part numbers, for example the v7.1 part numbers are 867271-33047 and 464210-0960

    My 2005 is still running v4.2, I was just about to buy a used v7.1 on ebay for $130 including shipping, but If DENSO has created a newer version I'd rather go to the toyota dealership and dish out $200 for a brand new v9.1, hopefully I can find a coupon lying around to use at the parts desk.

    Does anyone know if only the maps get upgraded when you get a newer disc, or does the nav speed up, sometimes I click on a section of the map and it takes a couple of seconds to re-center the screen.
  6. djasonw

    djasonw Active Member

    Jul 13, 2004
    Coconut Creek, FL
    2004 Prius
    I bought 8.1 for $50 from someone on Craig's list. It is a copy but it works great. There is no way that the updates are worth over $200.

    It was really nice to get 8.1 as I was running 4.2 since 2005. Though not much has changed where I live, the new POIs were nice to have.
  7. cnschult

    cnschult Active Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    2005 Prius
    okay i found 2 dvd discs on ebay that both claim to be for gen 4 v9.1:

    86271-33048 "U24"
    86271-33049 "U23"

    does anyone know why there are two version 9.1 part #'s for the gen 4 nav system?? is only one the correct one??
  8. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The *only* thing I can think of right now is that one is for the Toyota "lite" navigation (e.g. Yaris/Corolla/Matrix) and one is for the full fledge nav systems (like the one in the Prius).