It is no doubt that in today's car market, younger generations have alot more buying power than they did in the past. This generation wants to look and feel cool in a car. To successfully advertise this vehicle to the urban markets, you must make driving a hybrid cool and hip. Please keep this in mind before reading further. I am a young african american male who owns an 07 prius and I love it! But I will admit that while driving a Prius is cool to me (techie at heart) I did not buy it because it would make me look cool, which is what many african american consumers think about before a car purchase. My friends and I have created a completely clean (nonexplicit) song that makes driving a hybrid "cool" to this market. I have tested this song at clubs, performances, DJs, and all critics love it! Song link below Responses have been "Man this song makes me want to go out and buy a Prius right now!" This song is 100% original and copyrighted through Sony BMI, and eventually I would like to let the necessary marketing team check out the song and have a meeting regarding Toyota's use of this in the future. Finally, I would like to say that I do not doubt that Prius sales are booming. I would just like to offer Toyota a chance to expand its consumer base past the obvious green energy crowd. If you have any feedback on the song, or ideas on where to proceed from here, please let me know. Thanks t.h.e. MisFit Crazy8
great music! i can't offer any suggestions, but i think you're on the right track. this needs to get to toyota advertising asap. their current commercials make me want to vomit. i think you have a future in marketing (if you're not already in the biz!) well done! all the best.
Dayummm! This be fresh! You 4real playa. I want this mp3 so I can listen to it while I drive. Do you have one for me? I sent you a PM sent