I was at the movie theater tonight with my new car. I was driving in the parking garage on stealth. There were three people walking right in front of me. I thought they were just being rude, than my fiance made the comment that they cant hear me. So I drove around them and as we passed one woman grabs the other out of my way and says "oh s**t." I found this oh so funny and have decided I am going to hunt out noisey parking garages and stalk people walking in them.
Not a good idea, in my view. You could end up hitting someone who suddenly runs in front of you, or, maybe worse yet, you could give someone a heart attack. Have you ever been walking along and as you pass behind someone they suddenly turn and walk into you? Only in this case you're in your car. Enjoy the humor of what happened, but don't hunt out trouble. Say, you're creeping along right behind someone, just getting ready to honk the horn and give them a heart attack, when they suddenly remember something they left behind and they turn and walk right into your car because, hearing nothing, they assumed there was nothing behind them. People seldom look. People seldom think.
I have a tideland #9 on order but I have yet to see a photo of the car with this color. Can you post a photo of your car or do you know of an existing photo of a green prius on this website? Thanks.
Ummmm, when people say 'stealth' mode here, have they also turned off the stereo and the air conditioner? The AC buzzes quite a bit when running, and the way *I* run my stereo nobody should be surprized I'm approaching...
Really a bad idea!! If scared and pissed, they could 1) Kick your car as you go by 2) Key your car as you go by or depending on which city you live in 3) Pull of a 45 and let fly. :guns: :guns: :guns:
You can see many tideland images at http://home.earthlink.net/~jkash1/MyPriusp..._Web/index.html Jeff
I believe what Raenstoirm has written above is what's commonly referred to as a "joke." Webster defines a "joke" as the following: Main Entry: 1joke Pronunciation: 'jOk Function: noun Etymology: Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yAcati he asks 1 a : something said or done to provoke laughter; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist b (1) : the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2) : an instance of jesting : KIDDING <can't take a joke> c : PRACTICAL JOKE d : LAUGHINGSTOCK 2 : something not to be taken seriously : a trifling matter <consider his skiing a joke -- Harold Callender> -- often used in negative construction <it is no joke to be lost in the desert> Now, I will leave it up to you to find the definition of "sarcasm"
Ok the joke over how is the car and how was your tip home and what is your opinion on the car you bought?
Also at this site: http://alexkarahalios.home.comcast.net/200.../2004Prius.html I swear, the Tideland Pearl is a chameleon color -- looks greener in bright sunshine, greyer in overcast weather. Love it!
I love it! I drove 6 hours through West Virginia through steep mountains on roads at speeds of upwards of 80mph. She (I named the car Pria and now cant help but call her "she" since she is a new member of the family) handled the mountains fine and got 44.2 mpg to boot! I thought for sure the mountains would kill her expected highway mpg but I was pleasantly surprised. The only problem I found is her slight squirrlyness on some of the trip home. Traffic was going over 85mph on 7% downgrades with sharp turns. She made the turns fine, but being so light at such high altitudes, I felt a few times that the wind would just take us off the side of a cliff. I dont expect to be taking her into those mountains ever again though, so I dont see a problem. I do have one complaint though.....did anyone notice the rubber lining on the front windows. Mine have a dollop (for lack of a better term) of extra rubber near the front. Both sides have it so I dont think it is an error. It really isn't noticable unless you are looking for it, but I am a perfectionist. For all those still waiting...keep waiting. This is the best car you will ever own!! [Broken External Image]:http://a5.cpimg.com/image/97/A1/32780695-33a4-02000180-.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://a2.cpimg.com/image/E4/A4/32780772-9272-02000180-.jpg I had never seen this color in person, but I absolutely LOVE it!
That is just my driveway, but thank you. It is especially pretty this time of year with the blooming trees.
Oh, I absolutely LOVE heavily treed properties. Unfortunately, I've been completely unsucessful in owning such a place for myself. I guess that's the breaks though when one has had two properties all but given to them. My next place though, WILL be heavily treed like yours.
Gorgeous! BTW -- when I first saw this thread's title, and the original poster, I thought "Oh, no! She's just had the car for a day, and someone dinged it!"
Although the OP was joking, it does bring up a valid issue. what does one do when its obvious that pedestrians will not hear you approaching especially when most people tend to walk down the middle of the parking lot aisle unless a car is approaching. honking the horn might be considered as rude and may illicit a violent response from the pedestrians. Maybe Toyota should install a courtesy horn which isnt loud. or maybe a recording activated like a horn that says, "scuse me while i stealth by you" just a thought...
How about just flashing your lights at them. That should scare the beegeezus out of them without have to nudge them softly with the bumper.
I've just given a quick light tap to the horn if I was concerned with the pedestrians awareness of my presence. It may annoy some of them, but I'd much rather do that, than have 'em step out in my path.
I like driving into the parking lot at school in stealth. A couple of times I have surprised a few kids walking in the middle of the parking lot. I love the look of "Where did you come from? I didn't even hear you." Jeff