(not that you all don't count, but you know, you're just like cat avatars to me ) PriusChat is back up, just in time for me to tell my story! I was at the gym this evening, circling the lot for a parking spot, when I spotted a 2004 Tideland Prius. Just for kicks, I decided to park next to it (the little things in life that please me...). As I was leaving the gym, I saw a Prius fob on the key rack and thought to myself, oh well, I guess the other Prius owner didn't get to see our Tidelands parked side-by-side. But as I was backing out of the spot, out walks the other Prius owner (I wonder if it's coincidence that we left at the same time, or if he saw me out the window; I was occassionally checking to see if the other Prius had disappeared). He half waved at me, so I stopped and rolled down my window and we chatted for a bit (consequently annoying the driver of the huge pickup I was blocking in since I had stopped in the middle of backing up). The second Prius owner is actually experiencing an increase in mileage in the colder weather (likely because Austin summers are pretty draining on the A/C) and said he was pretty pleased with the car, though he had a few disappointments (he had ordered the 6 CD-changer and it didn't come that way, so they put the aftermarket one in the spot where you normally have storage in the dash) and a few bang-ups had caused the car to lose a bit of its allure. He was pleased with the amount of stuff he could cram into it though . At the moment, he likes it enough to "drive it into the ground"--I certainly hope it doesn't lose any more of its appeal to him! Anyhow, just felt the need to share... funny how such a small encounter can make one smile.
Isn't it cool when you actually get to talk to a real Prius owner? I have an odd habit of hunting down Prius owners in parking lots... 8) Back in February, I saw a Tideland Pearl in a Whole Foods parking lot in Albuquerque. I was peaking inside to see what package it was when the owner unlocked it; she was a young woman with her baby. We talked and it turns out she traded in her 1993 Corolla for the Prius. She said that when she had her baby she wanted the safest car with the best gas mileage, and wanted to still have a Toyota. I also saw a young guy with a Salsa number 3 in the same parking lot a week later, and I think I scared him away. I asked how he liked it, and his eyes lit up and said, "I love it", and then he quickly hurried off. Also, my best friend in high school drove a 1993 Grand Cherokee ukeright: ukeright: Once when he took it in for service, they told him basically every fluid was leaking and he would have an accident if he kept driving it. He left the Jeep dealer for the Toyota dealer and got a nice 2002 Silver Strata Prius. They shipped his Jeep to Mexico the next day His gas mileage went from 10 to 40mpg. We now have another common thing to talk about...lol I hope I don't get myself into trouble one day in some parking lot...
Of course, when you're in your car you can't see what your car looks like rolling down the road. So, as odd as it sounds, when I see another Prius I think, "so that's what I look like."
I had a similar experience when I was in Nashville for Thanksgiving. My boyfriend's grandparents are thinking about getting a Prius as their next car, and his grandfather was commenting he hadn't ever seen one up close and personal in FL. As he made this comment, we emerged from the trail we were hiking on to a silver Prius parked in the lot at the trailhead. We were peering inside, and I was pointing out stuff I had told him (like cargo area). As we were getting into our car a minute or two later, the Prius drove by behind us, making we wonder if the owners had been watching us peer into their car.
lol... i know exactly what you mean Tony!! i have had the same exact thought. the back view of the Prius strikes me as very unusual for some reason i dont quite understand. but i still love the front 3/4 view. something about the way the headlights mold into the body and that huge windshield blending into the lines of the car.
Meow! I had my first chance to park next to an '04-'05 yesterday. I was headed for a different spot at the grocery store but spotted a white Prius. I headed over, but the owner got there before I parked so the best I could do was give him a wave when I got out and he drove away.
On Tues, while going to a Microsoft tech event ,had a chance to park next to a new silver Prius, so put an Orange County card on the windshield, and went in to the event. When we came out the car was still there, so we waited a bit to see if they were in another of the same event. He was. Nice person. Had put his name in at the Corona,CA dealership and was told 6 weeks wait. Got his car in ONE week! Silver BC 6. No overage. Seems people did not want to purchase a car around Christmas, so he had a very nice Christmas present!
I almost crashed into another Prius last night in a parking lot. Would've been my fault, too...it was a black 2G and I didn't look hard/long enough to see it before starting to pull out in front of it. That would've sucked. rob
Maybe “waking the dead”, but why start a new thread when there’s one sort of close? Chance encounters, preferably the same colour and gen, but whatever? Anyway, yesterday: Ours on the left.
Silver seems to be the "least coincidental" available color. When I was shopping for my Gen 3, I really wanted pretty much any color other than silver. Ended up with silver.