An absolutely pleasure to drive... everything, all of the controls a smooth as hell. I think I've pretty much mastered how to interpret the information on the MFD as well as doing a decent job with pulse & gliding. I like the tinting on the back window for night driving -- I doubt my auto-mirror flipper thingy will ever need to operate because it makes for perfect night driving conditions. I get a little impatient with the speech reconition giving me instructions every single time (hack please?!), but outside of that, I'm really enjoying the technology. The car had 9 miles or so and 13.4MPG, so I've been trying to get that up... after 125 miles, it's up to about 34MPG. I'm glad I bought this car!
I'm glad we bought one also. I was driving yesterday (looking for land to purchase) and was doing about 35mph at 100 mpg. Lasted a few minutes, but that's the fastest I've gone w/the ICE off. I can do 30mph easily.. but anything over that is hard to keep. Congrats on your new purchase. ~Shawn
The more we drive ours, the cooler it is. Our Tahoe hasn't move from the driveway in 2 weeks. The Prius had 4 miles on it when we picked it up. We averaged 25MPG on the way home from the dealership. Was a little worried, but the first tank wound up being about 410miles with a MFD average of 44.5, in cold weather. I'm on the 2nd tank and averaging 45.5 so far. Just keeps getting better the more I learn. I find myself driving the speed limit and in no hurry anymore. :huh: Now to get the windows tinted. The bluetooth is absolutely wonderful!!! I also love being able to tap the cruise control up or down to vary the speed.!!! I'm thinking the first several miles, the Prius is doing a big charge on the HV battery, thus a little lower MPG, but it'll come up. Heck, I gotta go drive it around the block.
Too cool!.... Wow thats really tight!.. thanks for letting us know so I don't freak out!... Thats an amazing difference with a hundred miles of driving to loosen things up.... things must be really tight at first!... I wonder if normal ICE engines are that tight to start?... I'm jealous!!!
So you are ok with the toyota cruise control? I am thinking I am going to miss having my CC on the steering wheel but I suppose I will have plenty of buttons to fiddle with on there and keep e happy.... Ooooo I want voice activated cruise control now that would be fun and a lawsuit waiting to happen "well officer I told the car to go 40 mph, its not my fault it went 70... write that ticket out to toyota please" J/K Thanks for the thoughts on the new car, Enjoy!