<_< I have numerous Attachments in "My Controls - Manage Attachments" which I'd like to add into a post but can't see how. Surely there's a simple answer. I've been going back to the original .JPG file on my computer. Is there an easier way? THANKS
If you mousover the links for your attachments, you'll see a 4 digit attachment id. Then you can use the code: Code: [attachmentid=6745] And that should turn into this: [attachmentid=6745]
Hmmm.... Oddly, I've been trying that, and it doesn't seem to love me. Both my posts, and Danny's example post above, don't show the attachment in question. I see the attachment in the preview of the post, but it's gone in the actual post. Any brilliant thoughts? (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/