With my ac/ heating system set in the off position, my ac comes on all on its on with fan . This happens after I have been driving for awhile. Is this normal?
Turning off the AC via the MFD just turns off the AC compressor. The Fan/Heat/Defrost still functions when the thermostat requires it. You can also turn everything off via the steering wheel controls. JeffD
Toyota refers to the whole system as "air conditioning" (at least in 3rd gen Owners Manual), which is frustrating/confusing. Maybe OP can clarify, is it the cabin ventilation system's fan, or the air conditioning (ie Freon compressor, and so on) that's turning on.
It's both the fan and the ac compressor turning on. The yellow ac light come on,on display. Yep, I think they refer to in The gen 2 as the whole system being ac too. Prior to the ac coming on, the ac system is in the off position.
It been around 77, usually not a really hot day. So are you saying if the thermostat is set low , the ac will come on? Even when unit is in off position.
i'm not really sure, but what i am sure of is, the prius a/c seems to have a mind of its own sometimes
could you be unknowingly hitting the steering wheel button? i have done that while holding a coffee cup.
yeah, me too! every time i'd hit a steering wheel button by mistake, i'd be looking around for what caused the beep.
More likely it is a combination of the car's design and the very HIGH humidity if Florida much of the time. The fan never really shuts off completely; there is always a tiny air flow for safety reasons. I think that many recent models also never really turn of the auto climate control completely and will run the compressor at a low level to de-humidify the cabin when necessary. That is most likely to happen early in the mornings when the temps are down a bit but the humidity is up near 100%. This is my wild guess.
There are within Techstream various options for how the AC is controlled in the same way that seat belt and reverse warnings can be turned off. John (Britprius)
That's good to know, will look into it. I did stop beeper for backup, what a relief, for a long driveway .