Last night I was in my bedroom and things shook a little. Initially thought it was one of my cats on the bed, but it was a little stronger, although not a lot stronger. Then I started to wonder if something was wrong with my house. Turned out to be a 3.4 earthquake. Two Earthquakes Rattle North Texas | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Baloney Bra... we have em like that almost every day somewhere in this State... what the OP is saying is that little one scared him... Out here... not so much.
Your description sounds like a mid 3 magintude. Even the low 4's around here usually feel like someone is sitting at the table, mildly rattling said table with their nervous leg. It is usually the swaying light fixtures that are the confirmation that there was an earthquake. Congrats on surviving your first!
I've often wondered what would happen to some of the old brick construction that I've seen in other parts of the country in an earthquake. I'm glad there were no serious problems in your 'hood.
I just read about that in the news Chuck. Gets the ol ticker into overtime eh? We usually get one or two a year up here that are above 4.0 Rock and Roll
I was thinking about that one in particular in addition to the general non-earthquake resistant construction all over the country in areas that haven't have had big ones in the past 100+ years.
I lived in the Bay Area in California for about 11 years. Of course I felt small earthquakes, but nothing major. I then moved to New England, and about a couple of years after I moved out of California, I felt the largest earthquake I ever felt.