Any folks here of a "certain age" -- 55 or so -- who might have some suggestions of songs my mom might like? She bought an IPOD Nano in September and Dad said she has finally figured out how to work it -- sorta. Thought for Christmas I might gift her a few dozen tunes. I remember most of the albums she has stashed away tend toward Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Cat Stevens, Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins, Joan Baez and Dylan. I think I can come up with enough of the above, but are there any new -- current artists that might mesh with someone of her age, taste? All I can come up with is Pink Martini....
My mum is a little older than that - she's in her mid-60s. She has a big thing for Coldplay. And David Gray. And some of the gentler Florence and The Machine stuff. And you can't go wrong with the Beatles.
New artists (where "New" = "Made after 1990") that people who like lighter classic rock might like? Hmmm. Maybe The Decemberists, Kate Bush, Winterpills, and/or early Tori Amos.
I'm about the same age as your mom. Dixie Chicks, Michael Penn and Gomez all have some of the folksy protesty feel I get the impression she likes.
james taylor, paul simon, jim croce, carol king, joni mitchell, beach boys, eagles, regis and kathi lee...
Indeed. Create channels with the artists you know your mother likes and see what other artists they play.