After a couple weeks experimenting with changing the display, I have not found an option to display any status if the motor is on the battery is in use or charging, etc. AI think a diagram pops up when I shut car off but not much use. Am I missing something? 2015 V model 4.
My 2015 v level three has a mode where it display a nifty graphic of power movement. There is an engine, a generator, the battery and the front wheel. Arrows display showing where power is moving so if there the engine isn't running, there is no arrow from it. If it is running, there can be arrows from the engine to the generator and/or wheels. Arrows show flow into and out of the battery, etc. I don't recall off the top of my head how to get there, I just cycle through the right/left arrows on the steering wheel to get to it. These arrows take me through a rotation of nav info (direction, name of road), radio info, the display I am talking about etc. I don't recall if I had to do anything to get this set up- seems like it came set that way from the dealer. I don't tend to use it a lot because it can be a major cause of distracted driving. Seems like this would be in the manual somewhere. If my level 3 has it, it seems like a 4 should.