from the NASA site. sat photos of the area in a yearly time lapse. pretty cool stuff. from the site In the three decades since the eruption, Mt. St. Helens has given scientists an unprecedented opportunity to witness the intricate steps through which life reclaims a devastated landscape. The scale of the eruption and the beginning of reclamation in the Mt. St. Helens blast zone are documented in this series of images captured by NASA’s Landsat series of satellites between 1979 and 2010 Devastation and Recovery at Mt. St. Helens : Feature Articles
I visited Mt. St. Helens in 1989, but could only get as close as 7 miles because there was still snow at the higher elevations (mid May). It struck me even then how much had recovered and how streams were recarving their way down the barren hillsides. It gives me hope that the planet will recover if the humans manage to cause their own extinction. :madgrin: