Is it just me or has the pip MSRP changed since November when pre-ordering began? I could have sworn that the base MSRP was ~$28K back on 11/17... or was it always $32K?
I think it's always been $32K given Toyota | Toyota Announces Pricing for All-New 2012 Prius v and Prius Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles and Toyota Plug-in Prius priced at $32,000* and Prius V from $26,400*. Perhaps the OP is thinking of some amount after Federal and CA tax credits?
Nope, always the prices they are now since announced last September. Base = $32,000 Advanced = $39,525
Before Toyota announced the price of the PiP, there were people who said the estimated price would be $4k - $5k above the non-plug in price. That's probably where you got your $28k figure. It all depends on what trim-level you base the $4k - $5k premium on. Also, Toyota had a price increase on the 2011 Prius back in Aug-Sep. Added: One thing to keep in mind is the Dollar/Yen exchange rate which has been going down for several years. Right now it's 76.98 Yen to the Dollar. In 2007 the exchange rate was 125. The good thing is that it looks like the exchange rate has stabilized here. Maybe this will be a bottom and a turning point for the Dollar against the Yen.
But putting all the estimations aside, Toyota has not increased the price since announced. The Prius Liftback for 2012 will have had 4 price increases since the initial release of the 2010 in May 2009.
No, but it definitely does include the increase in 2009 in late fall on the 2010 models when they added the Safety Connect to the IV and V and also added the USB port on the NAV cars. There have been 6. I also also not including changes in DPH. Or, the two times the PPO pricing's increased on mats and the like.
Not being a salesperson I have no idea what the heck dph or ppo means lol. I was only aware of 4 increases so Thanks for letting us know it was 6 increases in total from the initial price set in May 2009.