Hi guys. I am new here. I have been skimming the threads and trying to understand a little bit more about my Prius, and some of the "lingo" you guys use around here. I am starting to understand how getting good mileage works. I have a lot of practice to do.... but I have already seen a few mpg gain as I improve my pulse + glide technique. I got my 09 Prius 2 weeks ago and have been reading about how to improve the mileage ever since. I cant seem to understand how to install the EV mod... but maybe over time I will get it. Here are some mods I have done so far to try and improve mileage. It is freezing cold around where I live this time of year so I did the grill blocking mod to cut down on "warm up" time. I blocked the lower grill with black duct tape, and I havent gotten to the upper grill yet. I pumped the tires up to 43 front 41 rear I also installed some low beam HID`s 4500K pure white. I aimed them down so I dont blind others on the road. I had the oil changed with synthetic oil. I checked the oil level, and it seemed a little high... Where should the oil line fall on the dipstick? Between the 2 small studs on the dipstick? Ooh and I got window tints.... But thats not much of a MPG mod LOL Thanks for any advice! Looking forward to learning lots about my new Prius!
Hey Scam, congrats on the car! I am also new to grill blocking, but notice Donee's advice in this thread regarding whether to fully block top or bottom. You might want to block the top and unblock the driver's side lower grill to be safe since you have a Gen II. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-modifications/89163-grill-blocking-top-bottom-fully.html
Make sure your oil is not over the full mark. If they over filled have them remove the excess! I never put in more than 4 qts. That way it is down about 1/4" from full mark. Over fill hurts your FE. Hal
Hi SCAM-- Hobbit writes some really good stuff on mpg. Here's a good one esp if you have Scanguage-- Sweet spot refinement The Pri is spousette's car and I very seldom drive it .... a 30 mi stretch east of here at 55mph she gets 51-52 with cruise. Monitoring RPM loosely and in a ragged fashion but generally as Hobbit described got me over 62 mpg 2 times this week at 55mph in 48* temps and rolling hills....cuddah done better except for that rotten ADHD. The hill technique is standard as described plus other techniques and insights are worth your time.
Remembered this one too -- lots of good info. A Hybrid Owner’s winter survival guide - CleanMPG Forums Your 09 is diff than the 10's and 11's in that the inverter in yours is near the bottom driver's side so in temps above 40 or so it is suggested by most to leave a bottom slat or two open. Upper 2 slats come off in temps around 70 MORE or LESS, depending. Chart part way down the page above gives conservative blocking advice.
Thanks for the advice everyone! My oil IS over filled. It is above the 2 dimples on the dipstick... So I guess I should go back and get he oil level checked again... I left a small slit in the bottom grill. And the top grill is still wide open.. Also the 2 bottom grills on the sides ( where the fog lights would be.. Air gets through those small inlets ) that is still open.
Always, always, always: check the oil yourself before driving away from every oil change, no matter who does it. Everyone makes mistakes. Checking can prevent a mistake from becoming a pointless annoyance or a major expense. (Give the technician a chance by telling the service writer that you will check before leaving.)