Have 2013 and wondering why the actual MPG is diff than readout? Pulled into gas station MPG readout showed 53.7MPG. But when I actually do the match I get 50.4MPG. Why would it be different. iPad ?
There's several threads here on this topic. Most of us accept that the reported mpg is optimistic by a few points. SCH-I535
Here's some of the threads: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=gjuRU-ThGM_goASomYKwDA&url=http://priuschat.com/threads/which-mpg-is-right.141648/&cd=6&ved=0CCwQFjAF&usg=AFQjCNGk2UQXNcRfAFlPi6GCLesTuniggw https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=gjuRU-ThGM_goASomYKwDA&url=http://priuschat.com/threads/accurate-mpg-display.25900/&cd=10&ved=0CDkQFjAJ&usg=AFQjCNEWvOweFPq7seFEoFQizxThxe3C3g https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=5DuRU6zgNNTYoATDm4C4CA&url=http://priuschat.com/threads/calculated-vs-computer-mpg-please-post-your-results.65053/&cd=18&ved=0CDcQFjAHOAo&usg=AFQjCNEi8wHxSgikaul-H4Yj19QY-WmY6w SCH-I535
Nope. The MPG is based on the odo, not the speedo. Odometers are not biased high, at these not anymore.
Doesn't excuse it. And it's by no means impossible to have a reasonably accurate mpg display: our second gen Civic Hybrid's mpg display was either spot-on or very slightly pessimistic. The only reason I can see for consistent, gross exaggeration reporting of fuel economy is..., well what do you think?
The EPA estimates are just that. Manufactures are required to report these estimates within a certain accuracy. There are, of coarse, upper and lower fudge factors that the EPA has to allow. Bear in mind the the reported fuel mileage figures that are published are huge for marketing strategies. So, if you are in the business of selling cars, wouldn't you take every advantage available to make your products shine in a brighter light ? Yes, indeed!
The PRIUS Engine Control Module (ECM) uses an abacus instead of a computer to do it's "calculations" maybe? (wink,wink)
But why computer always estimates 2-3 mpg more but not less? I would love to see 47 on computer but 50 with manual calculation?
Based on the many threads on this subject, the onboard MPG readout tends to be about 5% optimistic. As to the 'why" I have no idea, but I can't imagine it's a mistake or error given how consistent it is across cars. It's certainly to Toyota's benefit to have that onboard be optimistic since the vast majority of drivers trust it and don't bother to hand-calculate tank after tank to get a proper number. (Edited my typo, 5%, not 2%, is what I've observed as well)
When I traded it in, my 2010's error was similar -- 6.63% over 36k miles. I'm way behind on entering my 2012's fuel log into the spreadsheet, so don't have its current figure.
So far (only 2,000 miles), our 2014 PriusĀ·4 has consistently been 5% optimistic at each & every tank fillup.
I assume that none of us are really that upset. In the end, it's still a very nice number. So I have to ask...
...and, what HARM would it cause *IF* Toyota simply "corrected" the algorithm to provide an ACCURATE value?