I am planning to order some coilovers as I can seem to find any used. My question is do you guys notice in MPG being effected by lowering the vehicle? Thank you!
The rule of thumb is that it should help because of reduced wind resistance. Toyota pretty much squeezed every bit of fuel economy out of the physical design, so I'm guessing not much.
This is a slightly old post but just from my experience.. My commute is over 100 miles a day with one way being 55 miles on a good day.. Prior to lowing my car I was seeing great mileage with average 70-75 mph driving. I was getting about 52-54 mpgs. Ive been driving on H&R springs and KYB shocks for a 2 weeks now and am seeing 55-57. I am not sure how or why but as @granTORRESmo says, the cooler the car looks, the faster you drive. I do find myself leaving the power button on more often now but generally travel at 70-75 mph and still get awesome mileage. Also, I am still on the stock 15's.. The attached is from yesterdays commute. 55.3 miles at 58 mgs. Anyone who drives 101 knows it sucks too.. Open for a while and then traffic for no reason.. open again, then traffic for no reason...
Dumb question but how do you get to that screen James? Agree with the other who said you drive faster with springs, so no, you dont save MPG.
Hey, its like a report card that shows up on the display every time you turn your car off. It only shows for maybe 30 seconds?
Kinda hard for me to do that. LoL. My best is 47.5 on the screeen with Eco. Barely making it to 385 miles on a tank. Maybe I should drive like a grandma. Hard to drive around Orange County hitting 50’s mpg.
Probably I will in a couple of years. I smashed the Gen 4 pedal multiple times when I rented it on my vacay for 7 days. And when I returned it, it still says 53mpg. I was impressed.
Seriously. LoL. I’m trying to do 50 mpg on the screen but it’s really hard drive like a grandma when at rush hour traffic. I mean people here always rushing.