I've gone from a consistant 52 mpg to 48.5 mpg since getting the work done. I have not changed driving habits and tempertures have been the same. I understand 40D had nothing to do with the operation though. Anyone else experiance this?
No. I went the other way, from 38.5 to 41.5, but average ambients jumped from low 60's to high 70's and I changed my driving style to Prius-friendly at the same time. Also, I specifically asked my dealership service manager and their Prius tech specialist if 40D would impact fuel economy. They were certain it wouldn't.
Over how many miles/tanks of gas, etc? I've kept exactly the same, but had to make up for an initial drop in mileage. I only had about 31 miles on the tank when I got the 40D work done, my mileage in was something like 54, going out of the shop it was 48, took most of the tank to get back up to baseline. This tank I currently show 59.1, my lifetime best is 59.0. Similar driving conditions on all.
Had about 100 miles on the tank when i took it in and am at 350 miles now. I brought it in at 51.9mpg and it came out at 47.8mpg. I should be a little patient and see if the next tank improves. On a side note, I checked my tire pressure and it seems the tech had adjusted it for me. It was 40 front 39 rear down from 44/42 (had checked it the week before).