I'd like to know if it's possible to install a cd player that plays mp3's on the prius 2006. I just ordered one a few days ago. I've ordered the basic package, although I hear that they're improving the sound for 2006 prius? Not sure how or if it's for sure yet though. Anyways, I want to be able to burn cd's with mp3 format songs on it so I can play more than 25 songs on a cd. Too much cd swapping for me! Is it possible? Are their aftermarket cd players I could install? And I'm not really interested in buying an I Pod or other portable mp3 player.
No specifics appear yet to have been released officially about the 2006. If anything, it will probably have an aux connection for your own MP3 player, but not likely it will play a CD with MP3s on it. You could put in an aftermarket radio, but then you'll lose the integrated features of the OEM radio. If you can find an aftermarket CD changer that plays MP3s that connects to the radio's AUX port, then you'll have the best of both worlds. Don't know of any such device at this time. Even the aftermarket aux inputs and Ipod interfaces are often problematic.
Thanks DanMan32. I've looked into a few other forums and have found a few potential solutions, but since I'm not getting my prius for another few months, plus I'll be at school until april, I won't be tackling this problem for a while I guess. This thing here: http://www.coastaletech.com/viewtech_2005.htm seems to show some promise of actually allowing you to put in aftermarket things and have them integrate properly with the prius. What'd you think? Also, if anyone's curious about this too, check out this thread I found. http://www.greenhybrid.com/discuss/afterma...radio.1912.html There seems to be a few more possible solutions for the 2002-2003 prius. Too bad....
Hmm, I thought I read it somewhere here that in addition to the AUX outlet, it can also play CD MP3s... Did I read it incorrectly?