After a long six month wait, I picked up my 06 prius (Classic Silver, #6) and took it to an installer to have a Sirius Prius Radio directly installed. The installer placed the unit under the front passenger seat. Now, when I drive, I notice the passenger air bag light is always on, whether there is a passenger in the seat or not. Is this normal? I noticed after the installation that the instruction manual states that nothing should be under the passenger seat. When a passenger sits in the front seat, the air bag "on" signal is illuminated, which stays on and I think this is normal. My question is should the passenger air bag light stay illuminated even if no passenger is in the front seat? Any easy solutions or am I worrying about nothing? Should the unit be moved? If so, what will be the best fix to my situation? BTW, the unit from Interactive works great (if only with a ten digit readout for information).
Did you notice any static? This is a problem some have noticed with the install in an '06. Why did they put it under the passenger seat? I have always heard it should go in the left rear wheel well.
No static at all and apparently the airbag light is always on on the passenger side with the on/off switch going to on only when a passenger is seated in the front passenger seat. The installer, with 20 years experience said it would be easier for him to do it that way. And it was.
Thanks for the quick response, you just made my final decision to go ahead and get the prius kit for my car. I am going to attempt to install myself, not sure if anyone around here has enough experience to work on my new prius and its technology.