Looks like I didn't stop my Prius completely before filling 3G, then I start it and don't see any indicatior lights(some of them on very left and right of panel are OK), but no fuel gauge, no speed. Anybody knows how to fix/reset it? What the heck? I actually never stop my Camry Hybrid 2011 while filling and it's OK, no any problem, but I hear that this coudbe problem with Prius? Thanks for all help, info, links, Best Vic
Was your gas tank completely empty and you were driving on battery power only just before you got to the station? or How old is your 12volt battery?
No, I filled only 3 gallons to make it full, before I drive normally, and no any problem to drive now too, just no main indicators (gas, speed)
Check to see if some paper is laying right in front of display. The speed, fuel, mpg, etc. is actually reflected from a mirror below.