Not sure what has happened or changed but I seem to be getting more "E"'s on my mileage display stacks. Driving the same route but seeing more "E"'s. Is this a good or bad thing? BTW I have for awhile now thought my rear brakes are giving a pulsating sound. Dealer said you can spend a ton of $$$ on Prius brakes and still have the same sound. He said it was because so much hardware is on the brake drums? Total BS or true? A bit over 20k in mileage on the car...
e's are a good thing! show's how much electricity you're regenerating. more important are your mpg's though. as far as the rear brakes are concerned, hard to say without hearing them. it's just a disc, pads and caliper, with parking brake, same as any car, if he really said 'drums', it sounds like bs. if you're under warranty, ask the service manager to ride with you and drive a new one to compare. should be 3/36. if not, take it to a local mech for a check out, maybe your rotors are warped.
If you MUST brake, E's are good. But all braking is bad so knock it off! "Pulsating" brakes are certainly not normal. That refers to a feeling of pulsation while you're in motion and using the brake. Usually that would come from the front brakes, not the rear. A noise when you are first starting off or slowing at low speeds is usually called a "groan", and there are many threads around here about that. Its not a performance problem, just annoying. For anything having to do with brakes, the dealer is the last place to go. A dedicated brake shop is your best bet.