The Alaskan pipeline has been shut down for a leak repair!! Oil and gas prices to go up!
I would say not so good news for hybrids either, since they still require gas, which comes from oil. My opinion is that they look for every tiny opportunity to make gas prices go up, legitimate or not.
Did everyone not think that BP would recover the money that they spent in the gulf. It's there oil, there gas, they can charge anything their stockholders want.
Unfortunately those that can least afford it will be hit the hardest. Suspect those who can afford a gas guzzlin SUV won't notice much.
Good. I hope gasoline prices keep going up so that demand for hybrids, plug-ins, and electrics increases.
My guess is they're going to have a strong incentive to call that leak 'fixed' soon, even if it isn't quite ready for prime time. Any of you oilheads out there want to hazard a guess/calculation as to how long, in the dead of an Alaskan winter, it might take for that oil to congeal to the point it won't move at all, if it doesn't keep moving? Kinda like lakes freeze but streams might not? If that happens, I wouldn't bet on any north slope oil much before July. (How long does it take to get it from the north slope to Valdez--whatis it, about 800 mi?) And, while I'm not a big conspiracy theorist, it wouldn't doubt me a bit if the industry uses this as an excuse to jack prices up, even if not necessary. ~T
What most people don't realize is that rising gas prices affect almost everything else - food, building supplies, and cars of all kinds.
On the radio this morning, they said the Alaskan pipeline supplies 15% of U.S. oil. On a MarketWatch article that I just read, it said 9%. I think the correct interpretation is 15% of West-Coast oil, which is 9% of national oil. Both sources said the pipeline is expected to be fixed by Friday. .