I don't know much about this case, but I heard the 911 call by the dad. He told the police if he found the kidnapper first, he would kill him. He said he did not care if they were recording it, he would kill him. If you were on the jury, would you convict him or acquit him? I could not convict him as I am a father.
I would convict him. We have laws. I am also a father and grandfather. I have been a juror who has had to convict under difficult circumstances. Tom
Haleigh Cummings is Missing 5-Year-Old Girl; Search Continues - Associated Content for those that aren't aware of the situation referenced in the OP. Basically, this guys kid goes missing. He calls 911 and says he'll kill the person responsible if he finds him. And here we are today... they're still searching, pretty much nothing has happened. If he carries through with his threat? Yes, he should be tried and convicted. It's the law - no person gets to be a one-man judge, jury, and executioner in this country.
Most likely, in Australia a public safety officer is forbidden from jury duty. Looked into this weird story a bit, it just doesn't add up Any evidence of forcible entry? This 17 year old "girlfriend" is sleeping in the same room as the kid, and nobody snatches the 17 year old instead of the little kid? Hmmmm