I have been reading posts in this forum for weeeeeekkksss, but I could have missed something, so please forgive me if this has been posted or asked ad nauseum. I admit I am a mechanically inclined female, but give me something from pre 90s to work on, I am fine. I now think I could almost work for Toyota. LOL I had written my whole post and lost it, so instead of redoing the entire thing, I am just going to say it has fresh oil and filter, air filter, olugs, coil packs, injectors, cleaned MAF and throttle body, nothing has stopped this car from doing what you will hear in my video. Head gasket is fine, codes now thrown are 112 and 301 which indicate MAF sensor, which I have on order, but wanted to post here while I wait for it to get here. Codes it was theowing before all the new parts above were all misfire codes, bank 1, 2, and random, among others, but as I say I have gotten it down to these two codes, but they were not originally even showing. So is replacing the MAF sensor (which I got super clean by the way, along with throttle body which had soot buildup) just going to further disappoint me? After each step, I stopped, put all nack together, yet no change in how it runs. Only in the codes being thrown. It was overfilled with oil (2 gallons. And not by me, no) but was run very very little with that issue, so I really doubt it had time to ruin gaskets and seals and/or valves or cylinders. But I am just at a loss and honestly, my luck with this car has been such that I am not getting my expectations high about the MAF fixing it at this point. Anyone wanna offer anything else I can be doing or checking while waiting on the new sensor? I have gone through this thing with a fine tooth comb iver the last 3 weeks it has been sitting in my garage and I am just about at the end of my rope. I just truly feel it is something simple yet that I may be overlooking. Any thoughts? This is my son's car,singlas a single mom, well, some know how that goes. Anyway, this is a 2006 gen 2, 178k miles, new hybrids, new 12 volt, and just in past two weeks new plugs, new coil packs, new injectors, fresh oil and filter, air filter, and cleaned throttle body and MAF sensor while I was at it. However, this thing is shake, rattling, and rolling still constantly like crazy. Will stay running most time but sometimes will stall out and I don't even try to put it in gear anymore cause why bother when it sounds and feels like it is about to do a come apart. Now, I will say that it was overfilled with oil (2 gallons to be exact) but that was done AFTER it had already started acting loke this less than 2 miles from home and we limped it home. And with the overfull oil, it had probably only been ran the equivalent of 20 minutes and that was just on and off. Codes started off as misfire 1 and 3 and random, so those led to changing out everything I mentioned. No changes. Now those codes have been cleared and it is still same noise, same knocking (btw head gasket and coolant system is fine) just awful but now the only codes being thrown are 112 and 301 pointing to the MAF. I have a new MAF ordered and it is going to take a couple days, so I thought while waiting, I would sign up here, post the issue and with all the info I have given, just see what the experts in here think. I am going to do a short video clip also and hope I can attach it.
Dang, now I see that my original post didnt disappear after all, it was just way down the page. Sorry about that. Anyway, I wanted to add something that I just noticed while I was making that video that makes me think I better add PCV valve to the list of parts. I went back to unhook the 12 volt again so I could tear back into it and happened to look down at my garage floor and there was liquid under the exhaust, stuck my finger in it, oil, which makes is what makes me now add PCV valve to my list. And my guess is that I better pull the plugs again and make sure they have no refouled due to the small amount of idling that was done when there was too much oil in it. I just feel like I am stuck in a vicious circle at this point.
What are you using to read those codes? There is a P0301, don't recall seeing anybody cite a 301 code in this forum. In short, be sure your OBD2 dongle/cell phone app, or whatever you are using, can actually read all the codes on this car. Many dongles and inexpensive handheld code readers cannot. The gold standard is to use Techstream, but doing that legally is expensive. There are mini-VCI cables and "don't ask me where I got this" Techstream versions for Windows which will definitely show you all the codes and subcodes. Be sure the 12V battery is good, the car can do all sorts of strange things if that battery is bad. You changed the plugs, coil packs, and injectors. If any one of those was bad you might see what you are now seeing. Where did those parts come from? There are lots of counterfeit parts on Amazon and similar sites.
The throttle body has the MAF mounted in a penetration on the front side. When you look down into the throttle body, you see a dark amber rubberish bulb. That is the temperature sensing element. The MAF element itself is buried in the portion of the MAF assembly body. If you remove the MAF assembly from the throttle body, you can look down inside and you'll see two thin wire elements. Those are the items that need to be cleaned. Sometimes they need to be sprayed with cleaner, sometimes they need that plus a little gentle rubbing with a cotton swap soaked in cleaner. When you cleaned the MAF, did you get the bulb and the elements? First time I got a code for running lean, I only cleaned the bulb, until it was pointed out to me it was only the temperature sensor. Cleaning the elements made the difference for me. Although I'm not going to get high hopes for this solving your problem, we have seen debris get into the MAF element passage and cause engine problems. You'll know as soon as you look down inside. Here's the thread where I learned my lesson and some photos of what you'll be looking for: P0171 System Too Lean (Bank 1) | PriusChat And one item I don't think was mentioned yet is the possibility of fuel supply, a failing fuel pump or clog is a possibility. It will be interesting to see if the misfire stays on the same cylinders even if you move coils around or something similar. We can't overstate the importance of having an accurate scanner.
You may want to pull the EGR assembly and give it a through cleaning. Overfilling by 2 gallons will leave a large puddle in there. That engine also sounds like there's a major exhaust leak; possibly being blown out of an EGR system full of oil.
I can't even conceive how you would get 2 gals of oil in the little Gen 2 sump. That is over twice the 3.9 qts it takes. I'd probably seek a professional opinion of the implications of that much oil in the engine and then running it.
Maybe it was 2 quarts over and not 2 gallons over. Off the top of my head I would have thought that pouring 3 gallons of oil in the top would have resulted in some of it coming out the oil filler tube. It probably also would have been burping air back up through the oil.