I changed my transmission fluid recently and have noticed an ave. increase of 2 mpg. Has anyone else noticed this? I used Toyota fluid and have to compliment the forum on the how to articles. I had no worries about accomplishing my mission. Matt
Rare to notice any mpg increase after that unless your fluid was really really bad. How many miles on car and fluid?
142000. I know it should have been changed long ago, but in my defense our dealer stated it did not need to be done. Don't get it, so I did it myself. Fluid was still red and there was only a small deposit of metal on the magnet.
Since used ATF has a lower viscosity as compared to new, there's no reason that a transaxle fluid change should result in improved mpg unless the transaxle case was overfilled with fluid at the factory. No defense is needed. It does not appear that anyone has attacked you for your decision to defer the transaxle fluid change until now. Glad that you are satisfied with the outcome.