Vote Yes if you think it helps you increase mileage. Do you look at mileage on MFD all the time? Do you change your driving style looking at current meilage?
I'm assuming YES=help increase and NO=hurt mileage, and "MFD Energy screen"=the Energy Monitor with the car parts on it? If so, I'd be voting no, I guess, only because I consider the instantaneous bar on the Consumption screen to be MUCH more useful for monitoring the way you drive...
The way your poll's worded, you can't get the results you want. "...HELP...OR...HURT...?" YES NO :blink:
I'm with MikePaul I'm a Consumption person myself, but someday I'll get over it... the wife said the day I get over it is the day they nail the lid down.
I don't think he was referring to the particular screen, but rather does the information the MFD provides (any screen) help you increase mileage efficiency?
I agree with Danman... Given, my answer is "yes", I often find, when I gance at it, I can usually do a little better (in many situations) by easing off the gas a bit...
I use both screens and switch between them as my driving regime changes. Energy Screen: Useful for precision monitoring and gliding at speeds < 41 MPH Consumption Screen: Mostly used in cruise configuration
Cruise configuration. Isn't that one of the modes on the starship Enterprise? I also go back and forth between the two. Kind of depends on what I'm doing or what I want to know while I'm driving. And I have never stared at the screen or found it to be a distraction while driving.
Cruise configuration. Isn't that one of the modes on the starship Enterprise? :lol: Ha! I am a trekkie, and a private pilot so the term "propels" itself right out of my mouth...
I'd say it helps mileage. When i'm doing the pulse and glide thing, it's helpful to use it to gauge how much pressure I put on the pedal to put the thing in glide at ~41 MPH. A little too much pressure and i start using battery... too little, and I'm in the regen area and am losing too much forward momentum... At this point I can probably glide it based totally on feel and muscle memory, but it's nice to have that guide there to show me i'm doing well. I switch over to the Consumption screen to see how i'm doing cumulatively though.
I use the Energy screen while driving and at traffic lights I pop over to the consumption screen to see the 5 min slices just to see how I've been doing of the long haul. Definitely helps with the MPGs. No doubt.
I think it helps a lot because it lets me try different things and I can see if they work. It helps on other vehicles as well, my friend has a Dodge diesel pickup that has a mileage display and a consumption display that can be reset. He uses them all the time and says it has really helped his driving. He drove my Prius for about 50 miles the other day and did nearly as well as I do and I've put almost 5000 miles on it. He loved it and I think he's going to buy one.