MFD capabilities (or lack thereof)?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by martinsw, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. martinsw

    martinsw Junior Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    san diego county
    2006 Prius
    I am unhappy with the capabilities of my 2006 prius MFD.:mad:

    A couple of months ago, noticed the red triangle would flash momentarily sometimes while driving. Just flash, nothing on MFD to say why. :confused: After a few days of trying to catch what it was trying to tell me, it stayed on longer and gave a short message in the MFD that 'oil level is low'. Wth - why wouldn't it just let me know at first, vice driving another couple of hundred miles before actually telling me??

    When I first got the car I couldn't believe the MFD wouldn't tell me the oil pressure or coolant temps. I have a 1998 corvette that allows me to read all four tires pressures, any DTC's that are current, or history, my oil temp, oil press, water temp, tranny fluid temp and lots more. All from a simple one line alphanumeric display.

    I just changed my inverter and engine coolants, and sure wish the wimpy MFD could tell me something useful. The vehicle electronics know what DTC's are set, but we have to hook on a scanner to read them? Come on.....The vehicle should know the coolant temps - but won't tell us (unless it might be too late and damage already done?).

    Seems there should be some secret sequences to get this info - anybody know?? I tried searching but couldn't find much (there is the sequence to hit start twice, hold info and turn lights on/off 3X - but none of that info has DTC's, oil press, coolant temps.......)
  2. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    Welcome to the world of Mother Toyota's non-responsiveness in the
    matter of better gauging and better use of the MFD. There are many
    who think the waste is merely inconvenient., there re those who think
    it inexcusable. I was squawking about it after only about a month.

    The most convenient and inexpensive way way to get engine data, clear
    codes, etc is with a ScanGauge ~$150-160 at the PRIUSchat Store,
    maybe less on eBay.

    In addition to all the metrics you'd want for an ICE, the XGauge feature
    allows programming for meaningful Prius specific hybrid data.

    If it's any consolation, Toyota didn't improve things much in the Gen III
    and at least for now, and probably some time in the future, Gen III
    XGauges are few and far between.

    There are many threads discussing the advantages of the ScanGauge.
    The search tool is your friend.
  3. Bob64

    Bob64 Sapphire of the Blue Sky

    Apr 9, 2007
    2007 Prius
    keep in mind that the scangauge doesn't do everything. I don't think it can do oil pressure, oil temp, and tranny oil temp... out-of-the-box... so you'd need to find the xgauge for it...