Merry Christmas, from one atheist commie pinko socialist to all the Christians on Prius Chat, whether members or just lurkers. And an open recognition that your guy, Jesus, invented communism about 18 centuries before our guy, Karl Marx, and is therefore deserving of the respect not only of Christians, but of us pinko commies everywhere. Peace on Earth! Good will towards men (and women also)! Be as the lilies of the field: They neither sow nor reap, yet their father in heaven takes care of them. Wise words (if you don't mind the god stuff too much) from one cool dude. May the day bring you joy, one and all.
Happy Yule, Happy Solstice... Hail to the Sun god, he's a real Fun god... RA RA RA!! Hope you all stuffed yourselves on goodies, had wonderful times with family and friends, and remembered to keep all the receipts for gift exchanges!
Merry Priusamus Let's create a new religion (or anti-religion?) that we can all agree on - Priusamusism Let's pick a date to celebrate - 25 DEC or some other date We can figure out the theoryology later. (This is humor - Enjoy the day and the various postings.)
Merry Christmas Prius lovers everywhere! Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift: "For God so loved the world He gave His Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."
Merry Christmas!!! Hooray for Jesus!!! Oh!...and who knew atheist commie pinko socialists were so cute (with their cute wittle ears and button noses)! I now wuv atheist commie pinko socialists!