Okay, I've figured something out... men who love cats make good lovers. Cats require patience, empathy, and tons of affection, with very little return. You buy them treats, you rub their tummy, and you play with them, for hours, all for a bit of purring. Perfect training for foreplay! I was thinking about this watching my DH petting the cat. She demands his attention quite often, and he responds well. She bosses him around, and he loves her dearly. I contrasted this with my first spouse, who was a cat hater. Yes, I was married to a cat hater, once. He couldn't stand the attention that a cat requires. He also was quite, um, "inadequate", shall we say, in the affection department. I have another friend, who has had nothing but relationship problems. One day, I was at his house, and I noticed how he treats his cat. He "loves" his cat, but every time the cat would get near him, looking for affection (rubbing his leg, meowing at him, etc.), he'd shove her away, saying "You know better than that. Go away." Sure, he feeds her. Lets her outside, lets her inside, and pets her while he's sitting in his chair watching TV, but otherwise, he pushes her away. No wonder he has relationship problems! Of course, there are some great lovers, of both genders, out there that are allergic to cats, or otherwise can't have a cat - but I think the same behavioral cues are present - touchy-feely people, who like to hug, who offer neck rubs, and who are generous with their time, or in some other way show a generosity of spirit. Just my random opinion here... YMMV... any thoughts?
Hmmmm so I'm using all the right moves then? And no I'm not talking about my cats, although they also appreciate the tummy rubbing I've always been leery of folks - women and men - who hate cats and intend to cause them harm. Something not wired up right. Avoid at all costs Anyway my cats are very happy
My wife concurs. We have 7 cats. We started with two that were already hers, and have added six more over the years. We recently lost one. But ladies, beware the single man that already has cats. Do you want to be competing with cats? Will he put you first, or them???
Rae, our cats give us enormous amounts of attention, but it is often too subtle to be noticed by many people, and devalued if it is noticed. Personally, I am delighted by watching a cat turn his ear towards me when I greet him; or even better, when I am treated to a slow eye-wink. I do not appreciate a dog jumping on me and licking my face. Jayman: That is a heart-warming picture.
Awww... that slow eye wink is a cat's way of saying "I love you" And, yes, having a cat is very rewarding. It takes a man of some sensitivity to appreciate that!
Rae Vynn, I suspect that you've just thrown a hand grenade into the crowd! But being a cat person guy, I agree with you. Perhaps an even bigger issue is that guys with dogs demand and expect servitude and complete loyalty, not exactly helpful relationship traits for independent women. I've never been chased by a cat while riding my bike, never been bitten by a cat, never been barked at by a cat, never been drooled on by a cat, and I can leave my cat(s) for a few days and they forgive me immediately when I get home, purring their greetings. I can't be tied down by a demanding dog. My personal hand grenade comment is that while dating in my youth I had two simple criteria: if a woman smoked or had a dog, I would not consider going out with her. Not that I have an opinion!
"bnnnnnnnnnnnnnn " says the cat. I interpret the slow eye wink as "I see you, glad you are here, and I trust you." I love watching cats; they are remarkably communicative even before they talk. I have thought for a long time that anybody who forces a cat to live without company understands the cat very little. In their own way they are as sociable as humans, although typically much more civilized.
Our cats *eventually* forgive us, but only after making it crystal clear that they were deeply insulted by the abandonment. Usually it takes the form of walking away when we greet them, or sitting with their backs to us. As a peace offering when we are gone for more than 24 hours we pay someone to live in our house who is already friends with the cats.
Why are cats considered feminine? (as in real men don't have cats) They are the biggest meat eaters in the animal kingdom, can't taste sweets, chocolate is more toxic to them than with dogs, as notorious as men when concealing illness until maybe too late. Not saying this to say they are one way or another - many are quite affectionate critters.
Not all women love cats. this link will get a few hisses, but hey her opponent does not have one. Disclaimer: The political views in the YouTube are not necessarily my own.
Note to self: go purchase cat tomorrow, then walk on leash in public place to attract potential mates. This sounds like it's definitely gonna work.
You can really tell alot about someone by the way they interact with animals. And animals are good judges of people, too. Usually, if an animal doesn't like someone, I'm not gonna like them either.
All animals are our friends. I don't trust anyone who aren't kind to animals. Human beings are the only species destroying the natural habitat. I believe that if you care about animals in general, you're a good lover. I was a dog person but recently living with three Japanese bob tails, I've now become a cat person as well. What amazes me is just like humans, they have different personalities and demands. The great thing is they don't have to go for a walk and they don't need bathes.
I fixed it for you. I bought a body harness for Nina that a leash attached to. She hated it. Hated it hated it hated it. Fortunately, she's not a scratcher but the whole event could have easily turned ugly.