Last month I replaced the original struts in my 2003 prius, which has 143k miles. The car rides much nicer now, however, this repair failed to eliminate a rattling noise that has been increasing in frequency since I purchased the car last year. After further diagnostics my mechanic determined that the noise is loudest at the head of the steering rack, and recommended that I replace the entire rack at a cost of nearly $3000. The steering doesn't seem to be affected or compromised in any way, and I'm questioning if this is a necessary repair. Anyone else have a similar experience or advice regarding this matter? Thanks in advance for any help.
<GACK!> Tell us more about the 'rattling noise.' Does any type of steering, braking or road condition seem to change the noise in any way? When the car is not moving, "Ready" but in "P", does turning the steering wheel cause any noises other than 'tire rubbing'? Is this a Toyota or independent mechanic (not trying to step on toes, just want to understand their shop and support teams.) Was the suspension part change out an attempt to eliminate the noise? Can your passengers identify where they think the noise is coming from (right, center, left?) Does it happen in reverse (careful with the testing!) Thanks, Bob Wilson
Thanks for getting back to me Bob, Rough or uneven road conditions seem to trigger the rattle more than normal steering or braking does. It is hard for passengers to perceive the noise unless the vehicle is being driven over a stretch of rough road, and even then one has to listen specifically for the noise. I had informed the mechanic (independent shop owner) of this rattle prior to replacing the struts and they were unable to reproduce the noise during a road test. I had thought that the noise would be remedied by replacing the struts, and it was only after replacing them that I finally accompanied my mechanic on a road test to help assist in identifying the rattle. From inside the vehicle it sounds as if the noise emanates from the front-left wheel well, but after connecting a "chassis ear" tool my mechanic determined the noise is loudest at the head of the steering rack. To the best of my knowledge, the noise doesn't happen when driving in reverse. I appreciate your help, Beau
I was not aware of a "chassis ear" but just put a bid on an Ebay unit. They look pretty neat. I don't have a good answer. Your mechanic sounds pretty clued but the $3 k for a steering assembly seems high. I would prefer to understand if it is an annoyance or a safety hazard. I'm thinking steering linkages. I wish I could help you but your in a new area, beyond my experience. Bob Wilson