I recently bought a used 2015 Prius Plugin, now at 85k miles a noise of a possible worn wheel bearing or CV axel bearing (if any) started to appear. Sounds like coming from the drivers side. I wonder if this is a common issue in Priuses this age and if it's not a bearing what may be the issue? Thanks!
It may or may not be the bearing or CV joint. But it's not common afaik. My '13 has just under 87k and is quiet as a mouse.
does the sound change with speed or turning? 85k isn't common, but we do see it across all prius, usually road salt
CV joints failing would cause a rhythmic clicking during turns, typically one direction, varies with speed. One thing with wheel bearings, just my thought: I think Prius owners are more inclined to set tire pressures significantly higher. Maybe this increases the stresses on wheel bearings? And who knows what the previous owner was setting pressures at.
Interesting description. What about putting it up on a jack stand and putting it in neutral so you can try spinning it by hand and tracking it down that way?