A month ago my wife commented to me that buying a Prius was probably the most mature decision that I ever made. I traded in my SuperCrew for a Prius. I had been driving a pickup for the past 15 years so the decision was not an easy one. The Cost: My at the pump cost has dropped from $45/week to $22 every other week. But, what about hauling stuff? The Theory: I did breakout the tape measure before I bought the car and in theory I could haul 8' long lumber. But, this was going to be the first real world test. The Test: I needed to buy a few 2x4's. Home Depot here I come. I didn’t have the guts to park in the “contractor†section. You know the section of the parking lot next to the huge rollup doors, with the 20-30 pickups, logo vans and generally large construction vehicles. So, out I come, with the rolling cart of lumber. I open the passenger door, remove the head rest. Slide the seat all the way forward. Tilt the seat back (very tight fit). Open the rear door. Drop the “60†part of the rear seat. Open the hatch. Spread out two large trash bags. Slide in the first stick . . . and it fits. Then the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and the 6th they fit. I lower the hatch, give it a push and “click.†The Results: Six 2x4x8's lying flat. No straps. No red flags. And, I get to return to the “real man†section again. Be damned the looks I’m sure to get. I can haul lumber!!! Now, if I can only stop my friends from making fun of me and my new-found maturity.
being able to tilt the front seats back like that is really a great feature. I should keep two trash bags in the trunk, just in case a similar event would happen to me. Thanks for the story.
Thanks for that wonderful testimony. As far as your friends are concerned... Let's see; you went from $45/week to $22 every other week on gas expense, hmmm, I think you can have the last laugh on them. Also, if you have even a bigger load sometime from the Home Depot that the Prius just can't handle you can always rent the truck they have available or have them deliver the stuff. The savings you have in gas will pay for plenty of rentals/deliveries.
Yeah, isn't that a great feeling. I posted a similar story last summer shortly after getting Priapus. There are pictures of the boards in the car. http://www.priuschat.com/forums/and-the-on...too-vt4560.html Something to consider, finiyon; if you're going to be hauling things often, use the little storage space above the left rear wheel to store drop-cloths. This keeps you from splintering the seats.