Mark is great in Shark Tank ! Great show. Always record it since Friday Night I'm out and about. The new OS will have iPhone multitasking capabilities. Multiple apps open and multiple browsers. Sweet deal. Free upgrade. You can swipe from app to app like you swipe iTunes art on your phone.
He's egotistical enough to think it's about him. But it's about Mavericks (location) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia California landmarks are OK but I liked the big kitty cat names.
^ I'd prefered something like Saber Tooth Now Apple is under pressure to name their next release Lakers, Bulls, Celtics, etc. If Windows 9 is named Cowboys.
Saber Tooth is obsolete Except it's California landmarks. They should name the last version of OSX Death Valley
Hope so. BMW stopped supporting Bluetooth version beyond the version that they supported when the car was sold. Upgraded phone and lost hands free capability. Dealer service rep shrugged his shoulders. BMW won the battle but lost the war. Purchased 2 Japanese cars after that Acura and Toyota