Here is a USA map of Prius Hybrid specialists. Hybrid/EVShop Locator | Certified By The Number One HEV/EV Training and Education Company, Automotive Career Development Center A followup from this poster regarding going to the dealer and getting soaked $500 for the 12 volt battery. Mystery P3102 Shift Actuator, Gen 2 | PriusChat
I think it's just a map of shops that have paid for a certification. I wouldn't take it too seriously.
It doesn't include Luscious Garage (now Earthling Automotive) in SF. Based on the expertise shown in their own videos, and some Vlad filmed there, that is the shop I would go to in the San Francisco Bay Area.
since they are in central mass, it makes sense that northeast shops might dive in sooner. i wonder if there are other training schools around the country
We need someoneon here who is interested in doing a project that integrates all the maps/lists... Anyone interested in a project like that? If so: HybridAutomotive has a map: Dealer Map | Hybrid Automotive Approved Resellers | Hybrid Automotive Also Project Lithium has a list:
Did you learn the name of the shop and where it is located (which city, not necessarily the street address) from the video? Then they have successfully advertised on youtube.
I could see benefit in having a list and or map of shops that have satisfactorily repaired Priuseses. But I don't want something all caught up in the hype of "certification." It is way too easy for certification-based lists to go out of date. The way I see it, Prius owners aren't doing themselves any favors by insisting on "hybrid specialist" care. I'd rather have a smart general mechanic work on our Prius as well as our other car. So I can name a shop or two where I've been very satisfied with the work done on our Prius, even though I'm certain nobody in there ever took a minute to study hybrid technology. I could see these guys telling me they didn't want to do certain repairs that were "too hybrid" for them, just like I've had other general mechanics tell me I needed a transmission rebuilder or a TIG welder in order to do some very specific repairs. There will always be a need for the a very specialized repair place, but I don't want to bother them with coolant changes or brake jobs when I can get that done in my own neighborhood.
if their prices are the same, i don't mind. but most of the time, when people come here looking for a hybrid mechanic, it's for a hybrid problem. a few want their oil changed, but a minority i think. another problem is that a lot of mech's don't even want to touch a hybrid beyond an oil change, etc.
Here is an example. Many people have watched this video: 1. click on the first link in the comments and it takes you to a page with their address. 2. or click on the poster's name or the icon next to it at the bottom of the video and then the "about" tab for a link to their information. 3. or take the poster's name and just google it "lusciousgarage", first hit is a direct link to the shop.
He is in Northern California close to the ocean. I'm also curious where exactly. This video he mentions his new shop in Northern California. Seems to be McKinleyville or Arcata.
FOREIGN AUTO SPECIALIST - 18 Photos & 20 Reviews - 1305 10th St, Arcata, California - Auto Repair - Phone Number - Yelp
Googled this: where is youtube channel "toyota maintenance" shop located the yelp result is the first after all the youtube ones. Not sure why he didn't have better contact information. Might have something to do with the limited local population, there are only ~50K people in the general vicinity. I bet if you stopped a Toyota driver in that area and asked for a good mechanic his shop would be a common answer. Also, the name seems to be Czech, so that might be the accent type too. Or might not - just because a person has a Czech name doesn't mean he grew up there.