As I was cleaning the intake manifold, half way through, I realize I forgot to remove the MAP sensor. It was still attached while I was vigorously shaking degreaser in the manifold. Now, I am worried if I damaged the MAP sensor. I am looking around to see how much to buy a replacement. I am seeing two version. One for the Prius gen 3 which have a resistor on the sensor. As for Prius C, I can't find a definitive picture on it. Mine does not have the resistor attached. Some pictures also showing without the resistor but some does. Can some one please confirm whether the MAP sensor for Prius C has the resistor thingie attached to it? I am afraid it got did lodged while I was washing the intake. Appreciate the help.
Only certain of the earliest Gen 3s came with the doodad-positive MAP sensor. It seems that after a change during the 2010 model year, they all came doodad-negative. As the c wasn't even born until 2012, I would assume doodad-negative is the right choice for a c, as already suggested by looking at your old one. (I bet the doodad-positive ones don't have the doodad just easily fall off!) If you still want to make extra sure, you can look yours up at; the two sensor flavors have different part numbers.
The two MAP sensor flavors look the same, except for having the red doodad or not. So, as you'd already mentioned, that definitely looks like the doodad-negative one.
Thanks guys. Though the map might still be damaged, at least I can sleep better knowing I didn't dislodge the doodad from the sensor. It will be a couple more days before I reassemble the parts. Awesome community!