I have a 2007 Gen II with 133,000 miles and am using Amsoil synthetic oil and an extended life filter, changing oil every 10,000 miles. What is the frequency for changing belts, hoses, and timing belt? Other than a faulty latch on the rear lid, I have experienced ZERO problems with the car and would like to keep it so.
Good news, there is no timing belt, the Prius uses a timing chain that should be good for 250,000 miles or more.
The Prius does not have a timing belt "it is chain driven) so no problem there. It is prudent to change the water pump belt at around 100,000 miles. The engine and inverter coolant should be changed at your millage if this has not been done. The hoses do not seem to be a problem area possibly due to Toyota's use of coolant. The transmission fluid should be change about every 60,000 miles even though Toyota call it a lifetime fill, but experience shows it is better changed. Plugs should also be changed at 120,000 miles so again if not done yours is over due. Obviously check engine and cabin air filters, and seriously consider replacing the 12 volt battery if you have not already done so. Keep a check on brake pad thickness "both inner and outer pads" change if getting close to 1mm thickness. John (Britprius)
Keep an eye on the Engine Water Pump with that many miles. My 2007 started leaking at about 105,000 miles. You should see what is referred to as "pink crust" start to accumulate on the water and air hole when it starts to go. I replaced it immediately. Always better to replace the water pump, gasket and v-belt before they strand you on the highway. Fairly simple procedure if you're a do-it-yourselfer. My radiator and inverter hoses are still good at 135,000 miles, but I check them every oil change.
You probably are referring to the inverter coolant pump. The engine coolant pump is mechanical, and driven by the crankshaft pulley via the serpentine belt.
Thomas, The Gen II Prius radiator is split into two sections, top 2/3 is for engine coolant circulated by the mechanical water pump, bottom 1/3 is inverter coolant circulated by the electrical inverter water pump which had the warranty recall. Both system should be checked for coolant level (each has a reservoir) and coolant replaced on a regular basis.